I'm really excited to be hosting a literacy benefit in Brooklyn in a couple weeks. Proceeds benefit an organization called Girls Write Now. My publisher, Two Dollar Radio, is one of the sponsors, as are many other houses: Chin Music, 7 Stories, Coffee House, Tin House, Small Beer, Exterminating Angel, Featherproof, Tyrant, and Unbridled Books.
The night, May 25th, should be a total blast. It's taking place at the Galapagos Art Space. There will be 2 bands, Japanther and Care Bears on Fire (these links are to Youtube vids of them performing). I'll do a short reading, too, though one of my goals is to minimize my blathering.
Most importantly, the evening is an opportunity to promote literacy in the public schools. Come out and join us for a cocktail and give generously. We all want to keep the kids reading: this is a wonderful way to get involved and help Girls Write Now!