It's a little known fact that I'm a master of disguise. Or at least that I like to play dress up like a lonely school girl. Is that the same thing as being a master of disguise? Please give me the benefit of the doubt on this one...
Anyway, I was excited to see that this interview in Impose Magazine I did last week used the pic over on the left, instead of the standard author headshot. For my first book, my better half and I spent an evening making me look like different characters from "Some Things." That guy is supposed to be Vern. Remember him? Everybody's favorite sadist?
In all honesty, though, the real "diamond in the rough" was our rendition of Old Lady Rhonda. I apologize to transvestites the world over for my shoddy work... guess I should've shaved...

Also, tonight is my book launch party at City Lights for Termite Parade. All the info is here. I hope you're able to come play with us tonight. We'll be celebrating everybody's birthday from the last year, so let's have some laughs, eat a cupcake, all in the name of literature!