July 6, 2009

Corduroy Books reviews Rhonda

The fine folks over at Corduroy gave "Some Things..." a bit of love and also had some wonderful things to say about my publisher, Two Dollar Radio. I don't always think publishers get the credit they deserve: we hear a lot of negative things about publishing being run by carnivorous corporate drones, and I'm certainly not going to argue against that stereotype, especially given the current climate of the mainstream conglomerates... But I will say that 2DR is run by smart people who love literary fiction. Whether or not you like my writing or my book, please try and support 2DR. We need to keep the indie houses alive!

From Corduroy:

"[Mohr's] writing is... sentence by sentence, tough and jangly and sometimes stretches wildly to these insane and tense lengths and the sentences get so long you’re all but holding yr breath and racing as you finish them... the book’s a release from the new and fucking amazing press Two Dollar Radio (a cool V.Voice article about them here)..."

rest of article