My smart, ruggedly handsome editor at Two Dollar Radio is Capt. Eric Obenauf. We chatted this weekend about Damascus. The Q&A is here. Every writer needs a keen-eyed editor (I actually have 2, as Eric's wife, Eliza, does the copy editing). Anyway, if my books succeed at what they set out to accomplish, Eric and Eliza deserve a lot of the credit.
Thanks E&E: I'm lucky to have your help/guidance/wisdom.
From the Q&A:
Eric: Two Dollar Radio is definitely an all-consuming venture, and it makes all the difference when we’re putting in late hours, investing everything we have (both financially and mentally), that we’re working with someone who’s freaking awesome and really wants to be engaged in a publishing relationship with us. Since I know you’ve had plenty of offers with the successes of your first two novels to move on, I just wanted to express our satisfaction and appreciation publicly.
Josh: Awwww… you’re going to make me cry and that will ruin my street cred! It was really important to me to stay indie. Way back when my agent was trying (and failing) to sell my first novel to the big swanky corporate publishers, they all told me to fuck myself. So the idea of pandering to them now makes me sort of queasy. You guys took a chance on me as an unknown writer and I’ll never forget that. I doubt too many Random House authors have the RH logo tattooed on their arm, and I wear my 2DR tattoo proudly. Loyalty is important. We’re growing together. I dig that. I hope we can keep it up, though some day I’d like to have more than $300 in the bank.