October 7, 2009

Rhonda & Kurt Cobain

Writers always love hearing praise from other working authors. And the review that fictionwritersreview.com just ran of "Some Things that Meant the World to Me" is really amazing. In it, the reviewer draws a comparison between my book and Nirvana's "Nevermind" which is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

Except maybe the guy in that men's room in Miami...

Or that despondent heiress in the airport bar after Mardi Gras...

Or the devious former child-actress I met at the Kentucky Derby last year...

From the review: "Fifteen years ago, when asked to explain the unprecedented and unanticipated success of Nirvana’s "Nevermind" album, an editor at SPIN magazine suggested that the music industry had simply ignored people in their twenties for far too long... But if you’re one of those anachronistic thirty-somethings that still quaintly reads books—let alone, a nineteenth- and twentieth-century form like the novel—then you may know the rare and exquisite pleasure of stumbling across one that seems to be written by, for, and about your contemporaries. I had that experience recently when I read Joshua Mohr’s debut novel."

To someone in my demographic, being mentioned along with Nirvana--even if the comparison is undeserved--is incredibly meaningful. I'm thankful to the review's writer, Tyler McMahon, for the wonderfully kind words.