June 22, 2011
Brain candy and summer salutations
how's your summer going? i'm teaching tons right now but having a blast doing so. this batch of students has been consistently blowing my mind with all their pretty prose. the future of lit is a-okay.
meanwhile, in insomniac fits, i've finished my final edits to Damascus, which will be published in October. i am so excited to share this piece of art with all of you!! i'm going to do a midwest and east coast tour, too, so hopefully those of you i've been corresponding with on email and facebook, we can finally belly up and have a drink together. once i have the dates, i'll slap them up on the website.
i wanted to thank a couple people. first, Jason over at Brain Candy Book Reviews and member of the National Book Critics Circle: he published a very thoughtful review of Termite Parade. thanks, Jason!!
and also big thanks to the Literary Whore, who blogs out of Hollywood. she had some kind words about my first novel, which made me smile for like eleven hours. this was my fave line of hers:
Joshua Mohr’s plot and writing style and topic is like a breath of fresh air. To single out the very real aspects of depersonalization disorder is utterly original. I have classified this works as what the publishing industry is currently missing. Creativity, originality and guts.
hope everyone is happy and writing tons!!
Book Reviews