July 13, 2011
Cabaret Bastille!
Hello, everybody:
How goes it? I'm participating in a super-fun event tomorrow night, the 14th, in San Francisco. Litquake is celebrating Bastille Day by throwing a party to honor the ex-pat writers of the 20s and 30s. I'll be playing Henry Miller, which if you've ever met me, does make quite a bit of sense...
Here's the whole line-up:
Matt Stewart as Ford Maddox Ford
Alia Volz as Anais Nin
Mac Barnett as F. Scott Fitzgerald
Alan Black as James Joyce
Andrew Dugas as Ernest Hemingway
Sarah Fran Wisby as Djuna Barnes
Joshua Mohr as Henry Miller
Daphne Gottlieb as H.D.
The event will be at Cell Space. All specific info is here. KQED had some nice things to say about it. So did the SF Examiner.
I hope to see you there. Remember to introduce yourself. Did I mention there's going to be an absinthe fountain? Seriously.
Zum wohl,