August 16, 2011

"Damascus" an Indie Next selection & a starred review in Publishers Weekly


How are you?  My summer classes are winding down, which means I can come up for air before the fall semester gets underway.  I had some incredibly smart students this summer, and I feel safe saying that the future of lit should be a-okay. 

We're about 2 months away from my next novel, "Damascus," coming out.  I'm thrilled to announce that it's been selected as one of Indiebound's Indie Next picks for October.  I wanted to thank them for including me.  Definitely check out their site for independent titles that might otherwise escape your radar.

Also Publishers Weekly gave "Damascus" a starred review in the current issue.  I'm so excited.  Here's a pull from their write-up:

"Rife with themes of humanity, passion, and determined resilience...this accomplished effort demonstrates Mohr’s rich, resonant prose, authentically rendered settings, and deft characterization."

Hope your summers have been spectacular and that you're scribbling lots of pretty words on the page,

PS: Wanna laugh your ass off?  Click here.

PPS: Why not pre-order Damascus now?  Then it will just miraculously show up in your mailbox one day...